We are pleased to open the new season with a performance of this show, conceived and directed especially by Debora Giobbi, which has already been staged in Italy in past years. The show consists of a series of monologues drawn from works published between the late 19th century and today, exploring, through different perspectives and tones, issues still relevant to the condition of women.
Giorgia Vendetti si è unita al gruppo Sipario lo scorso anno, e siamo lieti di inaugurare la nuova stagione con una rappresentazione di questo spettacolo, ideato e diretto per lei da Debora Giobbi, già portato in scena in Italia negli anni passati. Lo spettacolo è una raccolta di monologhi tratti da opere pubblicate tra la fine del XIX secolo e i giorni nostri, che esplorano, attraverso prospettive e toni differenti, temi tuttora rilevanti legati alla condizione femminile. Sipario, gruppo teatrale italiano d’Olanda, fa parte dell’ESTEC Theatre Group, basato nello stabilimento dell’European Space Agency (ESA) a Noordwijk, ed e’ attivo nei Paesi Bassi da quasi trent’anni con spettacoli teatrali in lingua italiana.
Giorgia Vendetti joined the Sipario group last year, and we are pleased to open the new season with a performance of this show, conceived and directed especially for her by Debora Giobbi, which has already been staged in Italy in past years. The show consists of a series of monologues drawn from works published between the late 19th century and today, exploring, through different perspectives and tones, issues still relevant to the condition of women. Sipario, Italian theatre group in the Netherlands, is part of the ESTEC Theatre Group, based in the European Space Agency (ESA) plant in Noordwijk, and has been active in the Netherlands for almost thirty years with theatrical performances in Italian.
Contactgegevens Laaktheater
Ferrandweg 4T, 2523 XT Den Haag
070 393 33 48